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Akira to Zoltán

Operation Marriage
It's Who You Know

"R is for Rudolf, the ballet dancer who flew. When Rudolf Hametoich Nureyev was around six years old, his mother took him to the ballet. Captivated by the music, and dancing, he decided then to become a dancer."


From experimental filmmaker Akira Kurosawa to South African president Nelson Mandela to music educator Zoltán Kodály. Learn about men whose vision overcame obstacles to make the world a better place.


In this companion book to Amelia to Zora, Cynthia Chin-Lee focuses on men who brought about change through peaceful methods.


Megan Halsey and Sean Addy's detailed collages highlight events and themes in the men's lives.


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© 2023-2024 BY CYNTHIA CHIN-LEE 

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